An extreme drop in temperature – This weekend will be bitterly cold in Vienna.

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This weekend, it will be bitterly cold in Vienna. According to the European weather model ECMWF, temperatures are supposed to rattle into the cellar on Sunday in the middle of the night. The ice whip strikes hardest in the north of the federal capital and around Korneuburg (Lower Austria). Here, up to -13 degrees are expected around 5 a.m.; negative double-digit temperatures remain from Floridsdorf through the Wienerwald districts. Even in the “warm” south around Leopoldsdorf, it is still -7 degrees.

During the day, it is supposed to continue frosty before another temperature drop provides a second cold shock in the late afternoon or early evening. Here, too, in the northern Danube region of Vienna, another -12 degrees shall be reached. After that, however, the worst should be over. Until Monday, the mercury column will rise again towards zero but slightly below it. At noon, even the zero-degree mark could be cracked briefly in the southeast of Vienna.

The following animation of the forecast maps for the period from Saturday 10 p.m. (17.12.) to Sunday 10 p.m. (18.12.) shows which districts will be hit hardest by the icing whip:

But will it be as bad as the ECMWF model predicts? Other forecasts also predict a nighttime temperature drop on Sunday – albeit of varying intensity. According to UBIMET, about -7 degrees will be reached in Vienna.

The experts of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) also report something similar. They expect -7 degrees on Sunday but even -8 degrees on Monday.

New snowfall is forecast for the weekend regardless of the intensity of the temperature drop. Already in night to Saturday, it will start in large parts of the country:

On Saturday, it will snow east of Innsbruck, initially still widespread, light to moderate, longest on the eastern, northern edge of the Alps and in the Carnic Alps and Karawanken. West of Innsbruck, however, will remain dry from the beginning, and the sun will shine from time to time. In the eastern half of the Alps, snowfall will also decrease in the first half of the day. In the far east, the northwest wind will blow moderately to briskly.

Sunday will be characterized by persistent and high fog, especially in the southern valleys and basins, at Lake Constance, in the Waldviertel and the Danube region, the sun will rarely appear during the day, and in some areas, it may remain cloudy all day. Away from these areas, the day will be primarily friendly with only harmless veil clouds and often sunny, especially in the mountains; only in the west compact cloud fields will move in again in the afternoon.

From today’s perspective, Monday will start with widespread dense clouds, and in the Waldviertel region, thick fog may persist. In the eastern lowlands, a few brightenings will appear now and then, but especially from the west, it will gradually clear up in the second half of the day. The wind will blow partly briskly from the southeast in the country’s east.

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